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Ms. Amanda Fok

- Founder of Let's Talk ADHD

- Certified ADHD coach


Amanda is the Founder of Let's Talk ADHD and a certified ADHD coach, as well as the Founder and Chair of ADHD Awareness Week in Hong Kong. She combines her personal experience with ADHD and her background in “Business Neuroscience” from MIT, along with 15 years of experience in managing ADHD and depression, to drive impactful projects focused on effective ADHD and depression management.

Since earning her Master’s degree in Corporate Communications and Public Affairs in 2012, Amanda has developed extensive expertise in various approaches to ADHD and depression treatment. Over the past five years, she has hosted more than 300 live sessions on ADHD, interviewing experts from the EU, the UK, Singapore, and locally, to share insights with both international and local organizations.

Amanda is dedicated to raising awareness of ADHD and empowering individuals with ADHD to better manage challenges in work and daily life. Her goal is to engage with global experts, implement best practices, and ensure that each initiative is both innovative and aligned with the needs of those it serves, creating a lasting impact.


Self-Management Techniques for ADHD Employees

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