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Dr. Tony Lloyd

作家相片: letstalkadhdletstalkadhd

英國ADHD基金會自2007年成立以來,Tony Lloyd博士一直領導該基金會。他最初擔任該會主席,到2010年起擔任行政總裁。他一直推動英國神經多樣性的議題,就神經多樣性範式的教育、衛生服務、就業和人力資源管理等發起一連串運動。




Dr Tony Lloyd has led the Foundation since it was established as a user led charity in 2007, initially as Chair then as CEO from 2010. Tony has been the driving force in promoting neurodiversity in the UK and campaigned for a neurodiverse paradigm in education, health services, employment and human resource management in the UK.

Tony is a leading figure in influencing Government policy and the deign and provision of public services so they better understand and meet the needs of the neurodiverse population to improve life chances through better and more inclusive education that reflects the explosion in neuroscience that enables and encourages innovation.

Tony has over 25 years as a mental health practitioner and consultant advisor to several voluntary and charity sector agencies. Tony advises several private sector businesses, NHS and Health Care providers on services specifically for the ADHD population.

Tony is the recipient of several awards for his work in the field of neurodiversity, ADHD, education and health and was listed in the FT Outstanding 100 top LGBTQ executives in 2017, 2018, 2019 for his work developing the ADHD Foundation and promoting neurodiversity in the workplace.

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Let's Talk ADHD 是一家認證的 B Corp™ 社會企業,致力於提高香港企業和公眾的ADHD意識與支持,共同轉變生命。我們期望創建一個對所有人都有平等工作和機會的世界。

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