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Mr. Duane Gordon

作家相片: letstalkadhdletstalkadhd

Duane Gordon先生在加拿大蒙特利爾居住。 他於1984年與Linda Walker結婚,育有兩女兒,其中一女兒患有ADHD。Duane在女兒診斷後自己亦被確診為成人ADHD患者。

Duane在建立成人ADHD關注方面努力不懈,並在ADHD群組中不遺餘力地倡導歷20多年。他於2005年加入ADDA的傳訊團隊,並為團隊仗義編撰,整理編輯團隊的時事通訊。 2011年,Duane加入ADDA董事會並擔任傳訊委員會主席。 ADDA董事會於2016年成功推選他成為主席。

Duane Gordon makes his home in Montreal, Canada. He married Linda Walker in 1984 and is the father of two daughters, one of whom has ADHD. Duane was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult following his own daughter’s diagnosis.

Duane is tireless in building awareness of adult ADHD and has been an advocate in the ADHD community for more than 20 years. He joined ADDA’s Communication team in 2005. He volunteered as a writer, and later edited the newsletter. In 2011, Duane joined the ADDA Board as Chair of the Communication Committee. The ADDA Board elected him president in 2016



《Let’s talk ADHD》為讀者和觀眾提供健康及生活資訊,惟若讀者和觀眾有任何疑問,請向醫生或相關專業人士,包括心理學家或治療師等,尋求專業意見和治療。


Let's Talk ADHD 是一家認證的 B Corp™ 社會企業,致力於提高香港企業和公眾的ADHD意識與支持,共同轉變生命。我們期望創建一個對所有人都有平等工作和機會的世界。

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