Dayna was born in Singapore and has a son, who is on the autism spectrum. Dayna
continues to spend enormous effort to keep abreast with the latest development in autism
and is continuously searching for the “right” approach, that would help in caring for her son.
Dayna’s journey with her son began 15 years ago. She has gained enormous knowledge and
has had eye-opening experiences that changed her life and how she copes with autism. She
is relentless and tirelessly explores new techniques and learns from people with greater
knowledge and experience locally and internationally, so as to cater for their needs at home
and in a school environment.
The lack of services in Asia, when compared with those in more developed nations of the
world has deepened Dayna’s conviction to consistently strive to make a difference and to be
a positive catalyst to the Special Needs Community.
Dayna Lim has extensive experience in managing a training center for early intervention for
Special Needs Children that expands over many years. She has held roles in:
- 2021 – Present: YouTube sharing on Autism. Founder of daynalim.com
- 2018 – Present: Spastic Association Autism committee member
- 2018: Sharing speaker for SCMP and ESF Special Education awareness conference
- 2017 – Present: Fuhong Society Autism committee member
- 2017 – Present: Watchdog Business Development committee member
- 2016 – 2021: SEN Governor of English School Foundation
- 2014: Speaker for Fuhong Society press conference
- 2014 – 2016: School council member of Jockey Club Sarah Roe school (JCSRS).
Founder of Accelerated program in JCSRS and successfully transferred some children
back to mainstream
- 2012: Speaker for Autism Speaks (USA) sponsored by Goldman Sachs in Hong K
Dayna Lim received a scholarship from the Singapore AirForce and attained her private pilot
license in 1997. Also, she earned her degree in Bachelor of Arts from the National University
of Singapore, with a double major through an exchange Master’s program in Master in
Philosophy from London School of Economics.